St. Woolos Gateway Building, Newport Cathedral Newport, Wales 2017–2017

The St. Woolos Gateway Building creates a bridge between the Cathedral “island” and the surrounding neighbourhood. The facilities include a community café, creche, shop, training and co-work space. These are planned in two small buildings either side of Stow Hill, the road that skirts around the south side of the Cathedral “island”. The plan envisages that Stow Hill will be pedestrianised.  

Image 1

  • 1_1703 St Woolos.jpg
    Model of both buildings seen from north west
  • 2_1703 St Woolos.jpg
    Model of building that replaces the disused pub south of Stow Hill
  • 3_1703 St Woolos.jpg
    Model seen from south
  • 4_1703 St Woolos.jpg
    Existing street pattern isolates St. Woolos Cathedral on Stow Hill from the surrounding neighbourhood
  • 5_1703 St Woolos.jpg
    A new road layout directs traffic around the north side of the cathedral island


  • Appointment: 2017
  • Client: Diocese of Monmouth
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