Park + Jog Salford & Manchester 1999–

A 1km stretch of road between Salford and Manchester is transformed into a 4-lane linear park. The scheme, that enables commuters to leave their cars behind on their way to work, regenerates its surroundings, bringing life and value to blighted neighbourhoods. Designed in the Nineties, this combination of active transportation & public space was ahead of its time. P+J was exhibited by the Van Alen Institute in New York.

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    Commuters park in a multistorey structure and from there cycle, jog, walk, swim, row or ride a horse to work
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    The city fringe lacks the density of the centre and the craven space of the suburb. Housing, once integrated with commerce and shopping, now isolated by great roads which fan out from the city centre, is reconnected by the park
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    Commuters approaching and departing the multistorey car park
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    4-lane linear park - the first lane is grassed, the second a canal, the third sand and the fourth a running track
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    The Park terminates at a Suit Park where commuters shower, change and get a coffee. Eight hours later, on their way home, they deposit their clothes and return through the Park, to the interchange to their car or catch a train
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    Encouraging active transportation combines commuting with a "trip to a health club". This encourages healthier lifestyles and activates the urban environment. The linear park brings vibrancy to existing buildings en route
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    Our prototype can be extended to each of the radial routes into the city. At intervals these Parks may link with the river and canal to offer an orbital route and a comprehensive green commuter infrastructure
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    Although originally conceived for Manchester, we believe that the idea may be adapted to any city worldwide


  • Client: Salford City Council


  • ‘The Cycling City’, in: Sustain (November 2013), pp.32–33
  • Zoe Ryan, The Good Life – New Public Spaces for Recreation (Van Alan Institute, New York, 2006), p.91
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