Lootch Gallery Moscow 2006–2010

The gallery forms the centrepiece of a new urban quarter created from the dilapidated remains of a pre-revolutionary (1901) former light bulb factory. Translated from Russian, the word ‘lootch’ means (light) ‘ray’. This polished stainless steel and glass structure was designed to house a gallery, meeting rooms and restaurant. In 2008, although on site at the time, our client sold the scheme and construction of the gallery was cancelled.

Image 1

  • 0619_N206.jpg
    Model showing cross section of gallery
  • 0619_N222.jpg
    The surrounding disused factory buildings, although dilapidated and much altered, are remarkable for their ornate brickwork detailing
  • 0619_N221.jpg
    This interior illustrates both the grandeur and extent of decay to be found in these disused factory buildings
  • 0619_N208.jpg
    Model photo
  • 0619_N205.jpg
    Model photo
  • Lootch_Pavillion_Website_external view
    External view of the pavillion
  • 0619_N1931.jpg
    Cross section showing ground floor 2-storey gallery and meeting room 'crypt' beneath
  • 0619_N193.jpg
    Ground floor plan - note the depth of the external envelope which incorporates inhabitable niches, the structure, and mechnical and electrical services distribution
  • 0619_N204.jpg
    Gallery (shown in section) in its intended context of the original highly decorated ornate brick buildings and our more abstract pink aggregate concrete and glazed brick structures


  • Appointment: 2006
  • Area: 625m2
  • Budget: £1.2m
  • Form of contract: Design & Build Exec Architect
  • Client: Horus Capital
  • Services Engineer: Buro Happold
  • Structural Engineer: Buro Happold
  • Landscape Architect: Gross Max


  • Edmund Harris, ‘Moscow’, in: Architecture Today (July 2008), p.27
  • ‘Britain in Russia’, in: UK Trade & Investment (March 2008), p.20


  • MIPIM Future Project Awards, 'Offices' Category, (Commendation) 2008
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