Lee High Road London 2007–2010
Our scheme provides a mix of affordable dwellings and commercial units on a relatively narrow site in South London. It is, in effect, two separate buildings “bookending” another housing scheme for the same client by a different architect. The scheme backs onto the Quaggy River where gently inflected elevations maximise south and west facing rooms.

The scheme was granted planning consent but developed by others.

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  • 0704_N57.jpg
    Model of East building - this, the larger of the two buildings, is more akin to a natural outcrop animated by deep-set windows distributed unevenly across the brickwork façade
  • 0704_N59.jpg
    Model of East building - seen from the river, it appears as a series of masonry strata. The first stratum – the ground floor commercial space - creates an artificial ground on which to construct an apartment building
  • 0704_N38.jpg
    East building - some windows are masked by hit-and-miss brickwork. Others that lead onto projecting balconies are guarded by a screen of oak poles forming a trellis on which plants may grow
  • 0704_N23.jpg
    West building - technically, we responded to the Environment Agency’s then new ecology strategy - Flood Alleviation Scheme - introducing diverse species and habitat reducing flood risk and increasing the ecological value of the river


  • Appointment: 2007
  • Budget: £2m
  • Sustainable credentials: Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4
  • Client: London & Quadrant; Renewal


  • ‘Green light in Lewisham’, in: The Architects' Journal (16 September 2010), p.8
  • ‘The relationship with the space outside becomes paramount’, in: BD Reviews - Housing (May 2010), pp.8–9
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