'Identity of Architecture' conference, RWTH Aachen
June 2022
Simon Henley discussed Henley Halebrown's work on Chadwick Hall at the 5th international scientific conference 'Identität der Architektur – Identity of Architecture' hosted by the Faculty of Architecture at RWTH Aachen University on 23rd and 24th June 2022.
The annual conference, which has a different focus each year, examines the question of the identity of architecture – a question concerned with the self-understanding of the discipline that is directed first and foremost at its practitioners, the architects. Following the themes of location, material, functions and construction, the 5th conference had a special focus on 'Raum – Space' as a fundamental factor in the design and implantation of architecture and urban planning and with regard to current issues that influence and change the conception, production and reception of space as a resource and basic human need.
Against the backdrop of these questions, with the help of projects that have already been completed, the different positions in dealing with Space were presented and discussed. The conference programme comprised 32 talks by recognised German and international architects and architecture firms.
Tickets are available here.