'Identity of Architecture' conference, RWTH Aachen
January 2025
Simon Henley will discuss Henley Halebrown's work at Thames Christian School & Battersea Chapel at the 7th international scientific conference 'Identität der Architektur – Identity of Architecture' hosted by the Faculty of Architecture at RWTH Aachen University on 16th January 2025.
The annual conference, which has a different focus each year, examines the question of the identity of architecture – a question concerned with the self-understanding of the discipline that is directed first and foremost at its practitioners, the architects.
The 7th conference has a special focus on 'Time'. Speakers will respond to a range of questions about Time across architecture, design and construction. What is the significance of "time" for the architectural form of a building? What importance does "time" take in the creation of architecture? To what extent are theoretical and practical ideas of time part of the fundamentals of architecture?
Against the backdrop of these questions, with the help of completed projects, different positions in dealing with Time will be presented and discussed by renowned German and international architects.
Further information and tickets are available from the Identität der Architektur website here.