'Public housing: a London renaissance' released
May 2019
The latest research by the NLA sheds light on the current provision of new public housing in London.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government says that London needs to deliver 100,000 homes. So how do councils go about delivering this?
In their latest book – Public Housing: a London renaissance – New London Architecture examine the changing climate for public housing, the resurgent public sector, a new role for local councils and how we make the most efficient use of public land.
Henley Halebrown joins a number of industry leaders who have contributed to this new research, with projects including Frampton Arms and Lyttelton House, Kings Crescent Estate and the regeneration of Winstanley and York Road Estate.
The book accompanies a free exhibition which runs until the 18th July at the NLA. The book is available to buy here.