Dialogues 08: Mark Pimlott – Intérieur sans frontières
June 2019
For our London Festival of Architecture edition of Dialogues we're joined by designer and writer Mark Pimlott
14 June 2019 | 19:00
The interior has tended to suggest, at least since the advent of modernity, that private realm removed from the hurly-burly of the public world. It is a useful fiction. The interior is a refuge indeed, but where is it, truly, these days? Coinciding with London Festival of Architecture, Mark Pimlott will talk about the interior, the condition of the interior, and the interiority of subjectivity. Along the way, he will talk about projective systems, their formation of subjects, their imagery and myths, and some possibilities for the public interior that may suggest individual and collective freedoms.
Mark Pimlott (1958) is a designer, artist, writer, and teacher. He is the author of 'Without and Within: Essays on Territory and the Interior' (2007); and 'The Public Interior as Idea and Project' (2016). His works include ‘World’, BBC Broadcasting House, London (2013); ‘La scala’, Aberystwyth (2003); and interiors of the Red House, London (2001; 2011, in collaboration with Tony Fretton architects). His practice is concerned with appearances, experience, meaning and reconciliations with time, and incorporates photography, art for public places, and design. He is Assistant Professor in the Chair of Interiors Buildings Cities at TU Delft.
Dialogues is a series of talks hosted by Henley Halebrown at their studio in Shoreditch. The events provide a forum for a range of voices from across the discipline to share projects and ideas, encouraging informal discussions and critical engagement.
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