Green Park Bath 2015–

This entry to the ‘Imagine Bath’ competition restores the Georgian Green Park, a triangular green open space on the north bank of the River Avon flanked east and west by terraces, first blighted by the arrival of the railways in 1870 and subsequently, by Twentieth Century road planning. In our scheme Green Park becomes a natural spring­board for the extension of the city to the underdeveloped south bank currently populated with retail and industrial sheds.

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    The triangular park is the southernmost of a remarkable sequence of spaces - the Royal Crescent, the Circus, Queen Square and Green Park. A taxonomy of pure geometries - a crescent, circle, square and an isosceles triangle
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    To illustrate this we have used the work of our studio. This parodies Stirling’s use of a collage of his past work for the 1978 Roma Interrotta, inspired by Colin Rowe, to populate Sector IV of Giambattista’s 1748 Nolli Plan


  • Client: RIBA
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